My consulting service for your new building planning and property purchase
- Initial consultation (by phone) free of charge
- Inspection and needs analysis (your goals and wishes) personally on site. Costs: journey and hourly rate
According to the offer after the measurements have been taken
- Floor plan and land map analysis
- Review of geopathic and historical interference fields
- Review of the overall architectural and spatial impact including garden, access roads, landscape feng shui
- Personal potential analysis of the residents (Ba Zi - Chinese astrology)
- Checking the qi flow on the site: qi follows the form, the person is influenced by qi
- Concept talks - what should the new rooms do and where are the focal points
- Analysis of construction projects, optimization according to Feng Shui criteria
- Classic compass analysis with the Lo Pan
Special services according to a separate offer
- Calculation of most favorable dates for the groundbreaking
- Calculation of most favorable dates for moving in
- Garden Feng Shui – Feng Shui design, power points, themes