Consultation process
Requirements, procedure and costs of a Tao Master Geomancy consultation or land vitalization:
You can receive the Tao Master Geomancy consultation independent of a Feng Shui consultation, because the first priority is that the property is cleaned up with the negative old stories and if possible there are no longer any geopathic interference fields. To do this, I need a floor plan of your business premises or your house or apartment and a site plan in DIN A 4 format. The further procedure and the costs of a land revitalization is similar to a Feng Shui consultation. We meet in advance for a non-binding preliminary discussion and then you will receive a written offer from me. During the preliminary talk, you will only be charged for travel costs and my time.
Requirement for a Feng Shui consultation:
In order to be able to produce an accurate and professional evaluation, I need a floor plan of your business premises or your house or apartment in A4 format. The north arrow and the use of the premises should be entered on the plan. With several floors, the floor plan of each floor is required. A map with the north arrow and your exact address are also required. In addition, the year of construction of the building, its move-in date and the date of your last renovation or major renovation work (addition, new roof, etc.). In addition, I need the exact dates of birth of you and of all residents or your employees.
Feng Shui consultation process:
At a first on-site visit, I will visit your business or residential property and its surroundings. We have a detailed discussion about your main topics and of course your wishes and goals. With the Chinese compass (Lopan) I carry out measurements that I need for my written evaluation. I also create photos of your rooms for my concept. I then analyze and calculate on the basis of your documents and my measurements according to the classic Feng Shui by Dr. Jes T.Y. Lim (Qi-Mag Institute). Then, depending on your budget, I will provide you with a brief consultation or detailed written documentation. At a second on-site visit, we discuss the results.
On request, I will accompany you in the implementation of my optimization suggestions and work with your architects, interior decorators or landscape gardeners.
Feng Shui consultation costs
The costs for a consultation are as different as every object and every person with their personal requirements, needs and problems. The amount of work that has to be done to find the appropriate solutions is correspondingly different.
Professional feng shui advice at a high level is a time-consuming work that requires professional competence, precise work and empathy. It will be tailored to your personal goals and desires in order to achieve the best results for you. The will to real change and the active implementation of the recommendations is particularly important, because the best concept is of little use if none of it's recommendations is implemented. It would be a pity to waste your valuable time and mine, too.